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No. 제목 게재일 조회
118 Effects of different Al2O3 support on HDPE gasification for enhanced hydrogen generation using Ni-based catalysts
관리자 21.05.17 조회 : 169
21.05.17 169
117 Effect of biochar aging and co-existence of diethyl phthalate on the mono-sorption of cadmium and zinc to biochar-treated soils
관리자 21.04.15 조회 : 150
21.04.15 150
116 Iron-modified biochar and water management regime-induced changes in plant growth, enzyme activities, and phytoavailability of arsenic, cadmium and lead in a paddy soil
관리자 21.04.05 조회 : 151
21.04.05 151
115 Valorization of plastics and goethite into iron-carbon composite as persulfate activator for amaranth oxidation
관리자 21.03.01 조회 : 143
21.03.01 143
114 Recycling of a spent alkaline battery as a catalyst for the total oxidation of hydrocarbons
관리자 21.02.05 조회 : 167
21.02.05 167
113 Recyclable aqueous metal adsorbent: Synthesis and Cu (II) sorption characteristics of ternary nanocomposites of Fe3O4 nanoparticles@ graphene–poly-N-phenylglycine nanofibers
관리자 21.01.05 조회 : 160
21.01.05 160
112 A review of recent advancements in utilization of biomass and industrial wastes into engineered biochar
관리자 20.12.05 조회 : 236
20.12.05 236
111 Efficient removal of diclofenac and cephalexin from aqueous solution using Anthriscus sylvestris-derived activated biochar
관리자 20.11.25 조회 : 223
20.11.25 223
110 Facile synthesis of polyoxometalate-modified metal organic frameworks for eliminating tetrabromobisphenol-A from water
관리자 20.11.15 조회 : 197
20.11.15 197
109 Valorization of plastics and paper mill sludge into carbon composite and its catalytic performance for acarbon material consisted of the multi-layerzo dye oxidation
관리자 20.11.05 조회 : 186
20.11.05 186