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No. 제목 게재일 조회
128 Valorizing plastic toy wastes to flammable gases through CO2-mediated pyrolysis with a Co-based catalyst
관리자 22.07.15 조회 : 189
22.07.15 189
127 Engineered biochar for environmental decontamination in aquatic and soil systems: a review
관리자 22.06.18 조회 : 173
22.06.18 173
126 Sustainable Valorization of E-Waste Plastic through Catalytic Pyrolysis Using CO2
관리자 22.06.17 조회 : 672
22.06.17 672
125 Removal of toxic elements from aqueous environments using nano zero-valent iron-and iron oxide-modified biochar: a review
관리자 22.04.11 조회 : 193
22.04.11 193
124 Fabrication of Metal-biochar Composite through CO2 Assisted Co-pyrolysis of Chlorella and Red Mud and Its Application for Persulfate Activation
관리자 22.02.28 조회 : 242
22.02.28 242
123 Valorization of hazardous COVID-19 mask waste while minimizing hazardous byproducts using catalytic gasification
관리자 22.02.05 조회 : 245
22.02.05 245
122 Synergistic effects of blending seafood wastes as Co-pyrolysis feedstock on syngas production and biochar properties
관리자 22.02.01 조회 : 193
22.02.01 193
121 Co-pyrolysis route of chlorella sp. and bauxite tailings to fabricate metal-biochar as persulfate activator
관리자 22.01.15 조회 : 315
22.01.15 315
120 Cadmium stress in plants: A critical review of the effects, mechanisms, and tolerance strategies
관리자 22.01.01 조회 : 174
22.01.01 174
119 IInsights into upstream processing of microalgae: A review
관리자 21.06.01 조회 : 137
21.06.01 137