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No. 제목 게재일 조회
138 Mechanisms and influencing factors of yttrium sorption on paddy soil: Experiments and modeling
관리자 22.11.01 조회 : 173
22.11.01 173
137 Removal of nanoplastics in water treatment processes: a review
관리자 22.11.01 조회 : 173
22.11.01 173
136 Rice hull biochar enhances the mobilization and methylation of mercury in a soil under changing redox conditions: Implication for Hg risks management in paddy fields
관리자 22.10.01 조회 : 221
22.10.01 221
135 Environmental implications, potential value, and future of food-waste anaerobic digestate management: A review
관리자 22.09.15 조회 : 175
22.09.15 175
134 Mobilization of contaminants: potential for soil remediation and unintended consequences
관리자 22.09.15 조회 : 179
22.09.15 179
133 Zero-waste strategy by means of valorization of bread waste
관리자 22.09.10 조회 : 186
22.09.10 186
132 The effects of COVID-19 transmission on environmental sustainability and human health: Paving the way to ensure its sustainable management
관리자 22.09.10 조회 : 302
22.09.10 302
131 Control of the fate of toxic pollutants from catalytic pyrolysis of polyurethane by oxidation using CO2
관리자 22.08.15 조회 : 160
22.08.15 160
130 Sustainable valorization of styrofoam and CO2 into syngas
관리자 22.08.15 조회 : 175
22.08.15 175
129 Enhancing microplastics biodegradation during composting using livestock manure biochar
관리자 22.08.01 조회 : 230
22.08.01 230