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No. 제목 게재일 조회
158 Nanoparticles modulate heavy-metal and arsenic stress in food crops: Hormesis for food security/safety and public health
관리자 23.12.01 조회 : 245
23.12.01 245
157 The NO reduction by CO over NiOx/CeO2 catalysts with a fixed Ni surface density: pretreatment effects on the catalyst structure and catalytic activity
관리자 23.11.15 조회 : 263
23.11.15 263
156 Carbon dioxide-assisted thermochemical conversion of magnetically harvested harmful algae into syngas and metal biochar
관리자 23.11.01 조회 : 343
23.11.01 343
155 Hybrid planktonic-biofilm cultivation of a Nordic mixed-species photosynthetic consortium: A pilot study on carbon capture and nutrient removal
관리자 23.09.01 조회 : 232
23.09.01 232
154 Chitin and crawfish shell biochar composite decreased heavy metal bioavailability and shifted rhizosphere bacterial community in an arsenic/lead co-contaminated soil
관리자 23.06.01 조회 : 272
23.06.01 272
153 Practical approach of As(V) adsorption by fabricating biochar with low basicity from FeCl3 and lignin
관리자 23.06.01 조회 : 261
23.06.01 261
152 A review of plastic pollution and their treatment technology: A circular economy platform by thermochemical pathway
관리자 23.05.15 조회 : 363
23.05.15 363
151 Applications of agricultural residue biochars to removal of toxic gases emitted from chemical plants: A review
관리자 23.04.10 조회 : 229
23.04.10 229
150 Adsorption of potentially harmful elements by metal-biochar prepared via Co-pyrolysis of coffee grounds and Nano Fe(III) oxides
관리자 23.04.01 조회 : 312
23.04.01 312
149 Review on distribution, fate, and management of potentially toxic elements in incinerated medical wastes
관리자 23.03.15 조회 : 290
23.03.15 290