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No. 제목 게재일 조회
4 Reduction of chlorinated methanes by nano-sized zero-valent iron. Kinetics, pathways, and effect of reaction conditions
관리자 06.01.01 조회 : 282
06.01.01 282
3 Reduction of chlorinated ethanesby nanosized zero-valent iron: Kinetics, pathways, and effects of reaction conditions
관리자 05.08.15 조회 : 292
05.08.15 292
2 Saccharification and adsorption characteristics of modified cellulases with hydrophilic/hydrophobic copolymers
관리자 02.02.28 조회 : 152
02.02.28 152
1 Reduction characteristics of oily hot rolling mill sludge by direct reduced iron method
관리자 02.01.01 조회 : 168
02.01.01 168