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No. 제목 게재일 조회
58 Use of carbon dioxide as a reaction medium in the thermo-chemical process for the enhanced generation of syngas and tuning adsorption ability of biochar
관리자 16.06.01 조회 : 154
16.06.01 154
57 Synthesis of hydrous zirconium oxide-impregnated chitosan beads and their application for removal of fluoride and lead
관리자 16.03.30 조회 : 249
16.03.30 249
56 Preparation of calcined zirconia-carbon composite from metal organic frameworks and its application to adsorption of crystal violet and salicylic acid
관리자 16.01.01 조회 : 166
16.01.01 166
55 Treatment of simulated coalbed methane produced water using direct contact membrane distillation
관리자 16.01.01 조회 : 254
16.01.01 254
54 Immobilization of heavy metal contaminated mine wastes using Canavalia ensiformis extract
관리자 16.01.01 조회 : 162
16.01.01 162
53 Effects of heavy metals on biodegradation of fluorene by a Sphingobacterium sp strain (KM-02) isolated from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated mine soil
관리자 15.10.01 조회 : 174
15.10.01 174
52 Magnetic chitosan composite for adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes in aqueous solution
관리자 15.08.25 조회 : 227
15.08.25 227
51 Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers and red mud in reducing plant availability of Cd, Pb, and Zn in mine tailings
관리자 15.08.23 조회 : 223
15.08.23 223
50 Carbon dioxide assisted sustainability enhancement of pyrolysis of waste biomass: A case study with spent coffee ground
관리자 15.08.01 조회 : 234
15.08.01 234
49 Reduction of nitrate in groundwater by Fe(0)/Magnetite nanoparticles entrapped in Ca-Alginate beads
관리자 15.07.01 조회 : 192
15.07.01 192