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No. 제목 게재일 조회
178 Recovery of chemicals and energy through thermo-chemical processing of plastic waste
관리자 25.05.01 조회 : 58
25.05.01 58
177 CO2-Mediated Pyrolysis for Syngas Generation from Wood-Plastic Composite Waste
관리자 25.02.13 조회 : 52
25.02.13 52
176 Development of ceria-supported metal-oxide (MOx/CeO2) catalysts via a one-pot chemical vapor deposition (OP-CVD) technique: Structure and reverse water gas shift reaction study
관리자 25.01.15 조회 : 56
25.01.15 56
175 Pyrolytic conversion of cattle manure and acid mine drainage sludge into biochar for oxidative and adsorptive removal of the antibiotic nitrofurantoin
관리자 25.01.15 조회 : 51
25.01.15 51
174 Evaluating sustainability of CO2-mediated pyrolysis of lignocellulose
관리자 25.01.02 조회 : 291
25.01.02 291
173 Production of biodiesel from non-edible industrial oilseeds via non-catalytic transesterification
관리자 24.12.15 조회 : 486
24.12.15 486
172 Utilising Polyester and Steel Slag‐Derived Metal/Carbon Composites as Catalysts in Biodiesel Production
관리자 24.11.05 조회 : 320
24.11.05 320
171 Thermo-chemical upcycling of cellulosic paper packaging waste into furfural and bio-fuel catalyst
관리자 24.10.31 조회 : 469
24.10.31 469
170 Elucidation of Ce/Zr ratio effects on the physical properties and catalytic performance of CuOx/CeyZr1-yO2 catalysts
관리자 24.10.28 조회 : 611
24.10.28 611
169 Thermochemical valorisation of cattle manure into gaseous fuel and furfural-rich bio-oil
관리자 24.10.15 조회 : 818
24.10.15 818